Print Text Messages (Pro)

by Contacts Plus team


Print Text Messages is the simplest way to transfer SMS messages from your phone to a PDF file for printing. Simply select the contact you wish to print text messages from and the app will collate all the SMS messages from your device into a printable list.
You can then export the copied SMS messages into your chosen app or web service or you can choose to email the text messages using your email client or Gmail.
Print Text Messages supports Cloud Print so you can print them directly if you have a network printer setup.
If you have no printer available you can also generate a PDF of your text messages that can then be sent with a variety of web services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, Adobe PDF and many others. You can quickly and easily export your text messages using any installed service you have.
Print Text Messages is useful if you need to print SMS messages for business or if you need to show evidence of someone sending your threatening or abusive text messages. If someone is sending you abusive SMS messages simply select them from the contact list and email the text messages to your lawyer or print out the text messages to present to a law enforcement agency.
We offer a full money back guarantee if this app does not enable you to print your text messages directly from your phone.
Contact us from the link in the app with your device details if you have any problems. You can also try out our limited free version before choosing to upgrade.